Everyone knows that Inside was my first published novel, but what they don't know is that Under Another Sun (an apocalyptic horror novel) was my first truly inspired project.
I was actually almost done with UAS, when the inspiration for Inside took hold. At that time, all I could think about was completing Inside- it was like a fever.
So, I put UAS on the backburner, temporarily, knowing I'd come back and finish it when Inside was done.
And now, I'm excited to announce that Under Another Sun is not only complete, but it is set for publication October 1, 2020. It has been a very long journey, and I'm so excited to share this with the world.
Thinking back on the inspiration for UAS, there was a strange combination of lots of ideas, books, stories that helped plant the seed for an apocalyptic tale. I remembered reading Age of Miracles, by Karen Thompson Walker, and thinking, ah.... what in interesting take!
At or near the same time, I was watching the show The Leftovers on HBO and got completely sucked into it. It was enthralling, right up my alley. A show about a percentage of the population just disappearing, POOF, into thin air? Yes, please.
And then, one of my favorite movies of all time came into my line of vision: Take Shelter, a psychological thriller that will have you questioning everything. And slowly, over time, all of these stories and experiences took root somewhere in my twisted brain and sprouted a seed. And that seed grew into Under Another Sun.
I am so excited to share this project, and I hope you'll all be captivated, not only by the story of an apocalypse, but the psychological aspects that will hopefully keep you reeling, as well as the extremely flawed and realistic characters who are about to embark on the most terrifying journey of their lives. Over the next few months, I'm happy to share with you, and tease you with some scenes and characters from Under Another Sun.
